Apple iPad HTML5 Video by CBS

by: Edwart

By the start of fall this year CBS plan to have all the video available on the iPad that is on, according to the senior VP and general manager of CBS Interactive Anthony Soohoo.

Apple today set May 28 as the great international day of the iPad -- the company will introduce the product in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland and the UK that day.

Meanwhile iPads are selling out across the US with Apple retail stores in 13 US cities already out of stock. "Demand continues to exceed supply," Apple's Natalie Kerris said. Apple has sold over a million iPads so far.

So far the broadcaster only has one full-length episode of Survivor and some promotional clips available for the device at present. CBS have decided to provide content via a HTML video site, as the iPad does not support Flash. Read full post here

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